Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fall riding

When the weather cooperates --especially on the weekend-- you need to take advantage of it and ride.  23 Celcius and not a cloud in sight today: a great day for a ride. Too bad I don't know any places to ride, and too bad I don't know anyone to ride with. No worries -- a few minutes scouring  BestBikingRoads and I was able to find a route that looked interesting.

The route I chose appeared to be ~250 Kms and looked like it would take me far enough outside the city to feel like I was getting away from it. From downtown where I live, about 40 Kms riding South-East of Berlin to reach the start point of a 175 Km loop made up of rural roads passing through several small towns, villages and farmland.

An unusually nice weather day in mid-October brings everyone outside. There was plenty of traffic, but not excessive. Lots of bikes: cruisers, sportbikes, sport tourers, baggers, and scooters. This loop seems to be very popular among all sorts of bikers. I played with a dude on a Tiger 800 for about 100 Kms: we kept a brisk pace and took turns passing each other, as well as slowpokes. We did get passed by several supersports.

a Garmin GPX track is available here if you're interested.

About 7 or 8 times, I ventured off the road and into the woods. 
Not deep into the woods, just a few hundred yards at a time. Exploring.

Stopped for a few minutes at a wind farm.

OK, well this photo was from a ride last weekend. This was about 
an hour West and a little North of the city.

And here's a boring video I put together, showing the highlights in 2 minutes.